คอร์สอบรม English for Specific Purposes I

English for Specific Purposes I

รายละเอียด English for Specific Purposes I

  • ดูตาราง/สถานที่คอร์สอบรม คลิก


Online training course on “English for Specific Purposes I”

Speaker: Dr. Analiza P. Amurao, Mahidol University International College (MUIC)

Date: Batch I (26 September, 3, 10, 17 and 24 October 2020)

          Batch II (31 October, 7, 14, 21 and 28 November 2020)

Time: 10:00 – 12:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)

Fee: THB 2,000 per batch

For more information pls. visit https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1106

This course is for all types of professionals. It directs participants to the different functions and rules of English to help them effectively communicate in various social settings. Participants are also able to rediscover and re-immerse themselves with the English language. At the same time, they learn some techniques that can be applied in their workplaces.

 Participants are expected to have a good understanding of English but may need help with more complex grammar and vocabulary.

For more information and assistance pls. contact:

Ms. Parichad Nuntavong

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension, AIT

Email: parichad@ait.ac.th

Tel: +66 2 5245224 or +66 81 6406498





  • ชื่อวิทยากร/หน่วยงาน/บริษัท: Dr. Analiza P Amurao/ Mahidol University International College (MUIC)
  • ชื่อผู้ติดต่อ: Songpon Saengpun
  • เบอร์มือถือ: -
  • เบอร์โทรอื่นๆ: 025246100
  • อีเมล: songpon@ait.ac.th
  • เว็บไซต์: https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1106
  • LINE Id: -